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  Welcome Atheism  >  Free expression   >  Results of the poll

Results of a poll

(From February 4, 2003 to October 7, 2006)

The number of answers does not allow yet, except particular cases, to obtain significant results by crossing the criteria (for example : catholics and 25-30 years old).

Take care ! These figures only reflect the opinion of the Net surfers who answered. Those don't constitute a representative sample. So, it would be abusive to extrapolate them, in particular for the distribution of the religious convictions. However, inside a category (atheists for example), it's possible to draw some general knowledges, if one keeps in mind that the distribution by age bracket or sex of the Net surfers, doesn't represent the whole population.

Do you believe that God exists?
(Period : July 3, 2005 to October 7, 2006 , about 6296 answers)

Yes 27%
No 58%
IDND* 14%
* IDND : I do not decide

Do you believe that there is something after death?
(Period : July 3, 2005 to October 7, 2006 , about 6307 answers)

Yes, judgement of God, heaven and hell 16%
Yes, in reincarnation 4%
Yes, but it is something else 6%
Yes, but I do not know what 13%
No 53%
I do not decide 9%

Religious convictions of the visitors who have replied to the poll
(Périod : February 4, 2003 to October 7, 2006 , about 11323 answers)

Atheist / unbeliever 53%
Agnostic / skeptic 14%
Deist / believer without relig. 4,6%
Christian - Catholic 9,4%
Christian - Protestant 1,4%
Christian - Evangelical 1,2%
Christian - Other 1,6%
Jew 0,4%
Muslim 7,0%
Buddhist 0,9%
Other 5,5%

(Period : April 22, 2003 to October 7, 2006 , about 11169 answers)

Belgium 8%
Canada 4,9%
France 65%
Italy 0,8%
Maghreb 5,8%
Spain 0,7%
Switzerland 2,2%
United Kingdom 0,7%
U.S.A. 2,6%
Other countries 9%

Proportion of atheists according to nationality
(Period : April 22, 2003 to October 7, 2006 , about 11431 answers)

Belgium 61%
Canada 48%
France 58%
Maghreb 27%
Switzerland 47%
U.S.A. 53%
Other countries 44%

(Period : November 24, 2003 to October 7, 2006 , about 10668 answers)

All the answers Man 70%
Woman 30%
Atheist / unbeliever only Man 75%
Woman 25%

Age of the Atheists / unbelievers
(Period : November 24, 2003 to October 7, 2006 , about 5882 answers)

<= 10 years 1%
11 to 15 years 2%
16 to 20 years 16%
21 to 25 years 11%
26 to 30 years 9%
31 to 35 years 8%
36 to 40 years 6%
41 to 45 years 7%
46 to 50 years 7%
51 to 55 years 8%
56 to 60 years 9%
61 to 65 years 6%
66 to 70 years 3%
> 75 years 1%

Proportion of atheists / unbelivers by age bracket
(Period : November 24, 2003 to October 7, 2006 , about 11106 answers)

<16-20 years 48%
21 to 25 years 45%
26 to 30 years 51%
31 to 35 years 53%
36 to 40 years 54%
41 to 45 years 58%
46 to 50 years 57%
51 to 55 years 61%
56 to 60 years 67%

Age since the Net surfers is atheist / unbeliever
(Period : November 24, 2003 to October 7, 2006 , about 5885 answers)

From birthday 40%
11 to 15 years 20%
16 to 20 years 17%
21 to 25 years 6%
26 to 30 years 3%
31 to 35 years 2%
36 to 40 years 1%
41 to 45 years 1%
46 to 50 years 1%
51 to 55 years 1%
56 to 60 years 0,3%
More than 60 y. 0,3%
About the believers : 46% of them have kept their faith from the birthday.

Belief in God according to the religious convictions
(Period : July 3, 2005 to October 7, 2006 , about 6296 answers)

Atheist / unbeliever 3 249 1%
Agnostic / skeptic 873 6%
Deist / believer without relig. 308 65%
Christian - Catholic 616 86%
Christian - other 291 88%
Muslim 535 95%
Comments : The crossing of the belief in God with the religious convictions shows that a non-negligible proportion of those saying they belong to a religion do not believe in a God or do not decide about his existence ( 14% of Catholics and 5% of Muslims). This may be a phenomenon of cultural membership. For instance, people say being Catholic because it is their home environment, but do not share its beliefs.

Religious convictions of the atheists / unbelievers' mother
(Period : April 6, 2003 to July 2, 2005 , about 2598 answers)

Atheist / unbeliever 25%
Agnostic / skeptic 8%
Deist / believer without relig. 4%
Christian - Catholic 50%
Christian - Protestant 4%
Jew 1%
Muslim 4%
Others 4%
Comments :
These figures show the haemorrhage that the great religions substain.
Notice which goes in the same direction: about half of the agnostics have a catholic mother .

Religious convictions of the atheists / unbelievers' father
(Period : November 17, 2003 to July 2, 2005 , about 2794 answers)

Atheist / unbeliever 32%
Agnostic / skeptic 9%
Deist / believer without relig. 1%
Christian - Catholic 40%
Christian - Protestant 3%
Jew 1%
Muslim 4%
Others 9%

People having the same religious convictions
as their mother or as their father

(Period : November 17, 2003 to July 2, 2005 , about 4670 answers)

without relig.
Catholic 82%
Muslim 83%
Others 38%
Comments :
For the two great religions, the most represented in this poll, Catholicism and Islam, the influence of the parents' religion is very strong.
We can notice, for those who have indicated having a religion, that the proportion of having a mother of the same religion is always a little higher than the father.

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