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Profession of non-faith
Hundreds of millions people believe in God and, in spite of the vigorous energy and the considerable amount of literature published by the most zealous believers, no one succeeds in conclusively proving the existence of God or the least part of his tail.
Yes, after all, why wouldn't God do have a nail?
The trap would be to persist in proving the non-existence of God. It's actually impossible to demonstrate that something, which by definition doesn't respect the natural laws of the Universe and which does not interact with it, doesn't exist. Useless, then, to waste one's time!
An other consequence: it's allowed to state without proof that God doesn't exist.
Therefore, the believers have to prove his existence.
If, one day, God condescends to appear, it will be time to make oneself acquainted with his "political platform" and to become oneself, as the case may be, a militant, a sympathizer, an opponent or a slave, but under no circumstances a believer.
The animal man
Some billions years after the Big bang, the man appears on Earth. With all due respect to many people, the man is only a social animal, endowed with an intelligence and a self-consciousness more advanced than those of his neighbors and co-tenants on Earth.
In the animal kingdom, the intelligence is present everywhere but with very different degrees. In the same way, between the first living single cell and the mankind, there is room for multiple ways of self-consciousness. However, the man is no doubt the only one animal who is conscious of the inescapable end of his own existence.
From the self-consciousness to the fear
The man knows that he will die and that his days are numbered. This idea seemed unbearable to him. It's one of the rare and intangible certainties of the life. The more the man is developing, the more the field of his intelligence is broadening out, the more he is discovering the smallness and the extent of his ignorance. The man is only one wisp of straw in the wind, a grain of sand in the desert, a dust in the Universe.
The difference between his intellectual capacities and what he is really becomes too important. The man feels afraid, afraid of the death, of the naught that succeeds it, of the innumerable questions without reply, of his ignorance, of his doubts...
From the fear to the beliefs
Quickly, the beliefs seem to the man as the easiest and the most effectual remedies for his fears and his pangs. The features of those wonder solutions is to be based on none real fact or to be a misinterpretation of the reality. Then it's the kingdom of the irrational, the paranormal, the superstitions, the esotericism, the prejudices, the "ready-think"...
The beliefs appear with very varied aspects, but their common point is to propose mediation with the "hereafter", that is to say, what is out of the life on Earth or in the known universe. The man finds in beliefs an easy comfort in the hope on a next life after the death as well as so-called replies to all his questions. Nevertheless, to believe to stop thinking to one's death, to one's smallness or to one's ignorance, it's to stop merely thinking.
Therefore, the man stops growing.
God's time
Gradually the beliefs get organized as civilizations, conquered territories, empires allow. Gods appear. They are supposed to provide to the human pangs an explanation more consistent than an abundance of local beliefs. Another role has been assigned to gods: to justify the chiefs' power. Little by little the religion organizes the gods' power over the mankind, which power is closely bound to the political power. The next stage introduces a simplification with a henceforward one and only God. The gods of Olympus die and become a mythology.
The kingdom of the religions
The development of mankind is delayed in a lasting way. The religions, that are true insults to the intelligence and true scourges of the self-consciousness, are an obliged passing through in evolution of man, a stage, a required harm, a crisis of the adolescence. Many writers do succeed in proving the deception of the "general public" sects, to show their incoherence, their contradictions and their evils.
In very few countries like France, the struggle for secularity has allowed to bring back and to contain the religion out of the civil life and the politics. Nevertheless, the power of the religions and their take-over of the consciences remain almost intact. In the same time, other beliefs as the superstitions, the astrology, the esotericism... survive and are sometimes prosperous.
The atheist who strolls in the bookstores may be amazed by the quantity of books that are published by self-righteous supporters of their religion, of their God, of their beliefs. Those supporters take advantage of the readers' disarray to which they apply, to do business with it.
How do not want to light an immense fire to send to nothing this pernicious and underhand literature? The atheist is too an upholder of secularity. Therefore, he shows respect for the freedom of expression, even if it's an intellectual swindling.
Quickly dismissed, this idea of a large and saving fire changes into a deep nausea. It's nausea seeing so much energy used up in defending a cause that's only wind and fine words. It's nausea seeing so many people who, in good faith, waste their life to pray the naught. It's nausea seeing those millions of people who, every day, humiliate themselves by kneeling down or by prostrating themselves before their idols or their totems. It's nausea thinking about all these wars of religion, past, present or future. It's nausea before all those dead persons in the name of God, that's to say for nothing.
Nearly, the disgusted atheist would exclaim: "God! Please! Appear and say to them that you don't exist and all what they do is useless."
One day will come
Luckily, the man's intelligence allows the gradually development of the knowledge, to constantly extend the frontiers of science and to drive God to the wall. Unfortunately, it's not enough to kill the beliefs. The man should too think by himself and show critical mind, constantly being on the watch, in order to identify all the ways of underhand maneuver or dullness of mind. Only the lay education for everyone, with sufficient means will allow the man to bring his critical mind to maturity and to exercise fully it in all circumstances. One day will come when the man will finally become "capital", that's to say adult, and will rank the Gods, the beliefs and the religions in the bottom of the cellar amongst the chest of the mythologies.
The mourning of one's immortality
Horrified, the believers won't fail to exclaim: "Nobody is able to live without God, without faith!"
To live without God is possible, like millions atheists in the world do it. To live without faith is possible. Yet, there's a condition and an indispensable prerequisite. To put the religion down in the waste basket is the easiest, but to kill God, it's a little as to kill oneself or more exactly to renounce the hope of eternity. The atheist finds himself face to face with himself, an ordinary mortal and a grain of dust in the surrounding vastness. The death is waiting for him. He knows it, as he knows there's nothing after. In the same way that one gives a dear departed for lost, the atheist has to give himself for lost or more exactly to give his immortality for lost and to come to terms with the idea an ordinary mortal to be. It's this mourning, this moment of infinite humbleness that will allow him to develop in the earthly life, the true one, the only one, with the quest for happiness and progress of humanity.
The atheist is not an immoral man contrary to the preconceived ideas of the believers. Though it's on of their business, the religions have not the monopoly of the ethics. They have the monopoly of unnatural ethics that despise and degrade the individual. The rules that allow the man to live in a harmonious way and to be on good terms with the other men, can be produced by the society itself, in the form of laws broadcast by the family... and completed by the individual himself, in the respect of the other people. The ethics don't need to be dictated by an alleged divine authority. In doubt, one may anyhow ask oneself the following question: "If every body would do as I long to do, would be the Earth livable?"
The atheist respects the principles of the secularity: freedom of conscience (everyone is free to believe in what he want), freedom of expression, mutual tolerance, freedom of difference, that are the only way of guaranteeing for the civil peace. He watches over the absolute independence of the public welfare and the policy about the religion and over the strict separation of Church and State. He is not antireligious, but he is anticlerical, that's to say against the ambition of the religion to control the public welfare.
The atheism is not a faith. To have the faith is to believe. On the contrary, to affirmed its unbelief in something that is maintained without proof, that's not to believe.
The atheist has to be a militant with two main objects:
- to fight, beside the laity, against the clericalism, that's to say the influence of the religion on the civil society, especially on education;
- to awake, in a debate of opinions, the critical mind of the believers. Actually, as it's impossible to persuade a convinced, to open his eyes is the best way to curing him.
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